Wednesday 5 October 2011

change of plans

yesterday wasn't going very well at all for my first brief. the design itself was visually flawed and had been sent to an architectural firm to adjust the building. but as the required spaces for the gym, changing rooms and sport hall would all lead to the building remaining very boxy in its appearance i took steps to contact other architects with the possibility of building a concept model for them that would be able to provide the plans straight away. and hopefully have some more interesting subject matter for me to create.

i contacted the model department of Richard Rogers architects in London. and spoke to the head of the model department, who was incredibly helpful in getting me out of the sticky situation I had created by offering me a model from their website.

after looking through all the projects accessible on their site, I made the decision to request some plans for the Metropolitana Linea Capodichino, a subway station in Naples, Italy that did not have any photographs of a current model, and provided some interesting variation from the box edged building I had originally sourced for my project.

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